Current trends and trends in logo design
Actual trends in the design of logos 2017 did not become some special revelation. Similar to the main trends of web site design, they are rather a continuation and development…

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Get rid of the guesses in the design
Creativity breathes life into successful sites. However, creative ideas and solutions often resemble guessing - a dangerous business, I tell you. So what can designers do to convince the customer,…

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Stages of development of a web designer and reaction to criticism in work
As a singer cannot exist without listeners, so a designer cannot exist without a spectator. And this viewer, of course, is entitled to his opinion on the evaluation of the…

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Creating beautiful RSS icons for your blog
Creating beautiful RSS icons for your blog beautiful RSS icons for the blog. For those who do not yet know RSS - a special format of blog posts that allows…


Endless page scrolling: helps or hurts?
The generation of two thousandths is known for its habit of browsing information on websites in a matter of seconds, making the decision to stay or go out. Competing projects…


Stages of development of a web designer and reaction to criticism in work
As a singer cannot exist without listeners, so a designer cannot exist without a spectator. And this viewer, of course, is entitled to his opinion on the evaluation of the…
