6 Tips for creating one-page websites
Single-page websites are becoming popular and fashionable now - there is no doubt about it, although they are not suitable for every subject or organization. However, if done correctly, your…

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6 main stages of site development
I was recently told in the comments that some posts do not match the format of the blog, which is positioned as a useful resource for web designers. On the…

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Where and how to make a designer online
We are introducing to the guest post from blogger designer Onjee about where you can earn a designer on the Internet, what activities there are and how they differ. At…

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this approach

How empty space killed corporate application functionality
Spacious. Minimalistic. Clean. A large amount of empty space has become a classic trick in developing application design for consumers. And I don’t really hate this trend. Effective use of…


Where and how to make a designer online
We are introducing to the guest post from blogger designer Onjee about where you can earn a designer on the Internet, what activities there are and how they differ. At…


Endless page scrolling: helps or hurts?
The generation of two thousandths is known for its habit of browsing information on websites in a matter of seconds, making the decision to stay or go out. Competing projects…
