Improving the registration form on the site (4 useful tips)
On the Internet, the registration procedure occurs to us as often as the authorization form on the sites. You have to do the following: in all kinds of web services…

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Get rid of the guesses in the design
Creativity breathes life into successful sites. However, creative ideas and solutions often resemble guessing - a dangerous business, I tell you. So what can designers do to convince the customer,…

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How to make a footer site footer: design options, why you need it, tips
Developers often overlook the fact that the footer for the site (translated from English footer / basement) is one of its basic elements. It can give more complete information about…

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password managers cannot

The ideal form of authorization – how to do not need

Recently, we posted a number of useful tips on creating effective registration forms on the site, and today we want to talk about the authorization / login unit. Recently, a lot of annoying and too “abstruse” of its implementations appear on the network. It is good when designers try to make unusual and beautiful login forms (see our selection), incorporating them into the overall concept of a web project, but it’s quite another thing when they overdo it with functionality. Sometimes it comes to the fact that popular password managers (in Chrome or from 1Password) just do not work. Continue reading

DeviantArt introduced a new redesign
A year ago, we wrote that Wix bought DeviantArt - an online community for artists. As planned by Wix, the platform should become a haven of professionals. And it seems…


How to create a website that increases the awareness of your brand
If you want your website to become successful, just a good design will not be enough: it must first reflect the personality of your brand. When developing a design, you…


How empty space killed corporate application functionality
Spacious. Minimalistic. Clean. A large amount of empty space has become a classic trick in developing application design for consumers. And I don’t really hate this trend. Effective use of…
