How to make a favicon with your own hands?
A site without favicon, like a ship without a flag. Favicon is an integral part of the site brand, its image and identification. By the way, look at the issuance…

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Finance Phantom robot
Clients in web design to be avoided
After you have finally become a web designer and started to struggle for success in the real world, you may find yourself in a rather difficult situation. The teachers probably…

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Redesign: several indicators that its time has come
Redesign This single word can make any web designer and developer shudder. The impending danger in the form of constant revisions and improvements of the project, as well as shareholders…

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accustomed to this

5 common mistakes in web design that enrage users

Developing an interactive interface or website is not an easy task. You have to collect everything about your audience, analyze and plan its behavior. New technologies make the research process easier. However, they also work in the opposite direction: it is difficult to surprise users with something in the age of technology.

Glossy images and hovers no longer impress users. Animations and gifs too – anyone can do this on their phone. So how to surprise your users? How to make them happy and support the conversion? Continue reading

How to make a color palette for the site and not only (algorithm + tips)
In Design Mania, there were already several publications with a similar theme: in a note about color matching services for websites, besides inspiration resources, we looked at a couple of…


Creating beautiful RSS icons for your blog
Creating beautiful RSS icons for your blog beautiful RSS icons for the blog. For those who do not yet know RSS - a special format of blog posts that allows…


How empty space killed corporate application functionality
Spacious. Minimalistic. Clean. A large amount of empty space has become a classic trick in developing application design for consumers. And I don’t really hate this trend. Effective use of…
