How to make a color palette for the site and not only (algorithm + tips)
In Design Mania, there were already several publications with a similar theme: in a note about color matching services for websites, besides inspiration resources, we looked at a couple of…

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Web design illustrations are the best examples of use.
If you carefully study any selection of website designs on a particular topic, you will see one trend - illustrations are now in vogue. They are so widespread that we…

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Web 2.0 style design: simplicity as art
In the fall of 2005, with the help of the publisher Tim O’Reilly, the term Web 2.0 was firmly included in the lecture of web developers. Like any new term,…

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same bright background

Endless page scrolling: helps or hurts?
The generation of two thousandths is known for its habit of browsing information on websites in a matter of seconds, making the decision to stay or go out. Competing projects…


Frequently asked questions (FAQ) - we are developing an effective FAQ section
As you know, of course, the FAQ (Frequently asked questions) are frequently asked questions that are collected and highlighted on a separate page. Thanks to it, the user will be…


Frequently asked questions (FAQ) - we are developing an effective FAQ section
As you know, of course, the FAQ (Frequently asked questions) are frequently asked questions that are collected and highlighted on a separate page. Thanks to it, the user will be…
