Creating beautiful RSS icons for your blog
Creating beautiful RSS icons for your blog beautiful RSS icons for the blog. For those who do not yet know RSS - a special format of blog posts that allows…

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Where and how to make a designer online
We are introducing to the guest post from blogger designer Onjee about where you can earn a designer on the Internet, what activities there are and how they differ. At…

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Licenses on photo stocks: not prohibited not means allowed
In the comments on the blog article about the best free photo stocks you can find several questions regarding copyright for photos and images. An employee of one of the…

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Current trends and trends in logo design
Actual trends in the design of logos 2017 did not become some special revelation. Similar to the main trends of web site design, they are rather a continuation and development…


How empty space killed corporate application functionality
Spacious. Minimalistic. Clean. A large amount of empty space has become a classic trick in developing application design for consumers. And I don’t really hate this trend. Effective use of…


5 common mistakes in web design that enrage users
Developing an interactive interface or website is not an easy task. You have to collect everything about your audience, analyze and plan its behavior. New technologies make the research process…
