Cocktail vintage and innovation: retro style in web design
According to the American writer John Steinbeck, the majority of people are ninety percent living in the past, seven now, and only three percent remains for the future. Well, the…

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The ideal form of authorization - how to do not need
Recently, we posted a number of useful tips on creating effective registration forms on the site, and today we want to talk about the authorization / login unit. Recently, a…

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Ways to navigate users on the site
Imagine that you are traveling by car, but because of traffic jams all main roads are blocked, and you need to turn into an unfamiliar part of the city. For…

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In defense of “Eye Candy”

In the society of designers, it is often possible to hear that true professionals build their work on the strict conformity of design to the brand’s corporate style or simply on the basic principles of design, and aesthetic beauty fades into the background. Living discussions on this issue lack one thing: understanding that aesthetics plays a huge role in cognition, perception and reaction.

Take a look at what “clothes” designers “now wear” with ordinary ready-made structured information; or how the term “eye candy” reduces the significance of graphic design as such. Language, at the present stage, narrows the concept of “design” to a simple “design”, as well as separates “aesthetics” and “usability” (as if they are two completely different areas). Continue reading

Web Design Trends
Designers are fickle people, they like to experiment with things. Therefore, they often try to solve problems of different approaches, which in the future may become mainstream and classic. As…


The principle of the golden section in the design of sites
A key indicator of the quality of web design is how natural and easy it is perceived by users. When creating a visual site design, it is important to illustrate…


7 popular typography trends in web site design
Typography is the style, location and appearance of printed letters / texts on a page. Currently, it has already become an integral element of web design. A lot of interesting…
