The ideal form of authorization - how to do not need
Recently, we posted a number of useful tips on creating effective registration forms on the site, and today we want to talk about the authorization / login unit. Recently, a…

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Professions of the future: who is a technical designer?
Often disputes arise between developers and designers - which of them plays the main role. Ask this question to the HR manager, and you will get an answer like, “Both…

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Licenses on photo stocks: not prohibited not means allowed
In the comments on the blog article about the best free photo stocks you can find several questions regarding copyright for photos and images. An employee of one of the…

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find the directory where it is installed

Creating beautiful RSS icons for your blog

Creating beautiful RSS icons for your blog
beautiful RSS icons for the blog. For those who do not yet know RSS – a special format of blog posts that allows you to receive updates from the site without having to visit it. For reading, special programs are used – RSS readers (for example, Google Reader).

As a rule, each blog has a button that allows you to subscribe to your blog articles via RSS. It can be located anywhere, but should be noticeable, it is often placed in the sidebar closer to the header of the site, sometimes it is given an impressive size for visitors to notice. In any case, the user should not specifically look for it. Continue reading

Professions of the future: who is a technical designer?
Often disputes arise between developers and designers - which of them plays the main role. Ask this question to the HR manager, and you will get an answer like, “Both…


Web design illustrations are the best examples of use.
If you carefully study any selection of website designs on a particular topic, you will see one trend - illustrations are now in vogue. They are so widespread that we…


Improving the registration form on the site (4 useful tips)
On the Internet, the registration procedure occurs to us as often as the authorization form on the sites. You have to do the following: in all kinds of web services…
