6 Tips for creating one-page websites
Single-page websites are becoming popular and fashionable now - there is no doubt about it, although they are not suitable for every subject or organization. However, if done correctly, your…

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Effective methods of split-screen design
One of the most notable trends in web design in 2017 can be called the division of the screen into two parts. More and more web projects use a similar…

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Web Design Trends
Designers are fickle people, they like to experiment with things. Therefore, they often try to solve problems of different approaches, which in the future may become mainstream and classic. As…

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Using textures in web design
What is the easiest, correct, and sometimes the only possible way to create the illusion of the relief of an element (object) in web design (as well as in 2D…


Clients in web design to be avoided
After you have finally become a web designer and started to struggle for success in the real world, you may find yourself in a rather difficult situation. The teachers probably…


History of pixel art. Past and future
Today we bring to your attention a guest post about pixel graphics from Anna, which maintains a pretty interesting blog of the corresponding “pixel” subject. Pixel art (pixelart, pixel art)…
