How to make a color palette for the site and not only (algorithm + tips)
In Design Mania, there were already several publications with a similar theme: in a note about color matching services for websites, besides inspiration resources, we looked at a couple of…

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The ideal form of authorization - how to do not need
Recently, we posted a number of useful tips on creating effective registration forms on the site, and today we want to talk about the authorization / login unit. Recently, a…

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Redesign: several indicators that its time has come
Redesign This single word can make any web designer and developer shudder. The impending danger in the form of constant revisions and improvements of the project, as well as shareholders…

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Using textures in web design
What is the easiest, correct, and sometimes the only possible way to create the illusion of the relief of an element (object) in web design (as well as in 2D…


Endless page scrolling: helps or hurts?
The generation of two thousandths is known for its habit of browsing information on websites in a matter of seconds, making the decision to stay or go out. Competing projects…


Web 2.0 style design: simplicity as art
In the fall of 2005, with the help of the publisher Tim O’Reilly, the term Web 2.0 was firmly included in the lecture of web developers. Like any new term,…
