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Tips for using images on websites and blogs
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Headers for website or blog

Authors blog is a kind of virtual representation, so it must look unique. The problem is that most of the free templates (if not all) are available to everyone on the network, so there is a great chance to meet two absolutely identical sites. I am talking now exclusively about the design of the site header and other elements of the layout, since this is the first thing that catches the eye of the visitor. This can be compared to when you go to a party or a holiday and meet a person who is dressed exactly the same. I can assume that you will hate him and will avoid him in every way 🙂

Headers for website or blog
But don’t be in a hurry to get upset, because very often you can add a unique character to a blog by simply changing the header (header). As a rule, this move, like adding various widgets to the sidebar, can set you apart from other bloggers.

Therefore, I offer you several sites with “headers” that will help personalize and embellish your project:

45 Free Beautiful Blog Headers is a cool list from Smashing Magazine, some headers contain source codes (.psd files), so you can slightly modify them.
Free Webpage Headers is a nice collection of hundreds of 800 × 200 images. Pictures are sorted by categories for easier navigation and search.
Dreamstime – in fact, on this site you need to pay for the images, however there is a section with free copies.
stock.xchng – despite the strange name, you can find thousands of free images for blogs on the site.
Stock Vault is a site where designers and photographers can share their work.
FreeFoto is a pretty good site where you can also search for images for caps.
Paid (premium) sites

Here are some more great, but paid sites. In many cases, in principle, you can pay a few dollars for unique and beautiful images in a hat. Remember that your blog is your online presence, so it should look good.

Paid (premium) sites with pictures
Fotolia – for $ 1 you can find cool unique images for your site, easy enough registration and purchase of “credits” immediately after setting up your account.
Stockxpert is another resource, if you haven’t found a suitable headache on Fotolia, the cost also starts with one dollar.
Shutterstock is slightly different from the previous ones, as it will have to be paid monthly. For 30 days you can download up to 750 images.
Photo Library (also known as Index Stock) – navigation is difficult there, but pictures without a logo overlay (watermark), so many can be saved.
Getty Images – high quality pictures on a cute site, although it is unlikely to be useful for a blog. is another great site with top quality photos. You pay $ 99 a month, but you can download as many images as you like. This is a good option for small businesses or companies that require images for websites. – offer good quality photos, but the cost is not very small.
In principle, this list of photos for your blog / site should be enough with your head. If you know any other sites, I suggest sharing links in the comments. By the way, once I wrote about free images for a blog, you can also find several stock archives there.

Post written based on – Top 5 Free Blog Header Image Websites.

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