6 main stages of site development
I was recently told in the comments that some posts do not match the format of the blog, which is positioned as a useful resource for web designers. On the…

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Headers for website or blog
Authors blog is a kind of virtual representation, so it must look unique. The problem is that most of the free templates (if not all) are available to everyone on…

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How to make a footer site footer: design options, why you need it, tips
Developers often overlook the fact that the footer for the site (translated from English footer / basement) is one of its basic elements. It can give more complete information about…

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because after pressing

Why cancel buttons should be colorless

What exactly does the Cancel button do? It returns the user to the previous screen. For users, Cancel is a means of protecting against unwanted changes in the system. To make users feel safe, the Cancel button should mean a retreat to reliability, not a call to action.

That is why the Cancel buttons should be colorless.

Neutral color for neutral button Continue reading

Clients in web design to be avoided
After you have finally become a web designer and started to struggle for success in the real world, you may find yourself in a rather difficult situation. The teachers probably…


How to make a footer site footer: design options, why you need it, tips
Developers often overlook the fact that the footer for the site (translated from English footer / basement) is one of its basic elements. It can give more complete information about…


Clients in web design to be avoided
After you have finally become a web designer and started to struggle for success in the real world, you may find yourself in a rather difficult situation. The teachers probably…
