Frequently asked questions (FAQ) - we are developing an effective FAQ section
As you know, of course, the FAQ (Frequently asked questions) are frequently asked questions that are collected and highlighted on a separate page. Thanks to it, the user will be…

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In defense of "Eye Candy"
In the society of designers, it is often possible to hear that true professionals build their work on the strict conformity of design to the brand's corporate style or simply…

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Web design illustrations are the best examples of use.
If you carefully study any selection of website designs on a particular topic, you will see one trend - illustrations are now in vogue. They are so widespread that we…

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another attempt

6 Tips for creating one-page websites
Single-page websites are becoming popular and fashionable now - there is no doubt about it, although they are not suitable for every subject or organization. However, if done correctly, your…


The essence of the design - what is it?
The other day, a guest post came to me from Viktor Fomin, blog author Krufok, of the chronicle of the living mind of a copywriter philosopher. To begin with, in…


Web Design Trends
Designers are fickle people, they like to experiment with things. Therefore, they often try to solve problems of different approaches, which in the future may become mainstream and classic. As…
