What can you learn in Japanese website designs?
Back in 2014, we published an interesting selection of designs of Japanese anime sites. Surely you can guess that the works there are presented quite specific and original. They are…

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How to choose the best illustrations for your site
I somehow had a publication about the best free photobanks and photo stocks in which the question was raised where to look for images for the site. Today I want…

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Stages of development of a web designer and reaction to criticism in work
As a singer cannot exist without listeners, so a designer cannot exist without a spectator. And this viewer, of course, is entitled to his opinion on the evaluation of the…

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desirable to carry out

6 main stages of site development

I was recently told in the comments that some posts do not match the format of the blog, which is positioned as a useful resource for web designers. On the one hand, a lot of attention is really paid to a graphic editor, for example, photoshop, but on the other hand, this is also part of the work, and not least. Nevertheless, today I decided to publish a post that would partially satisfy those who want to read something about creating websites. At the same time, I decided not to limit myself to one web design, but to consider the issue more broadly. Continue reading

Redesign: several indicators that its time has come
Redesign This single word can make any web designer and developer shudder. The impending danger in the form of constant revisions and improvements of the project, as well as shareholders…


How to create a website that increases the awareness of your brand
If you want your website to become successful, just a good design will not be enough: it must first reflect the personality of your brand. When developing a design, you…


Endless page scrolling: helps or hurts?
The generation of two thousandths is known for its habit of browsing information on websites in a matter of seconds, making the decision to stay or go out. Competing projects…
