another attempt
Creating beautiful RSS icons for your blog
Creating beautiful RSS icons for your blog
beautiful RSS icons for the blog. For those who do not yet know RSS – a special format of blog posts that allows you to receive updates from the site without having to visit it. For reading, special programs are used – RSS readers (for example, Google Reader).
As a rule, each blog has a button that allows you to subscribe to your blog articles via RSS. It can be located anywhere, but should be noticeable, it is often placed in the sidebar closer to the header of the site, sometimes it is given an impressive size for visitors to notice. In any case, the user should not specifically look for it. Continue reading
Web Design Trends
Designers are fickle people, they like to experiment with things. Therefore, they often try to solve problems of different approaches, which in the future may become mainstream and classic. As a result, other artists notice all this, begin to use some nuances themselves, after which a trend arises.
Over the past few months, the SmashingMagazine portal team has analyzed a variety of web designs, new trends, and various artistic solutions. As a result, the article “trends of web design 2009” was born: new developments, design elements and graphic approaches. All this is seasoned with the arguments of professionals and beautiful vivid examples. Continue reading
In defense of “Eye Candy”
In the society of designers, it is often possible to hear that true professionals build their work on the strict conformity of design to the brand’s corporate style or simply on the basic principles of design, and aesthetic beauty fades into the background. Living discussions on this issue lack one thing: understanding that aesthetics plays a huge role in cognition, perception and reaction.
Take a look at what “clothes” designers “now wear” with ordinary ready-made structured information; or how the term “eye candy” reduces the significance of graphic design as such. Language, at the present stage, narrows the concept of “design” to a simple “design”, as well as separates “aesthetics” and “usability” (as if they are two completely different areas). Continue reading