9 tips on typography site
Typography for a web site is a rather important design element that is not expressed very strongly in Runet. This question is more often raised on English-speaking foreign design blogs,…

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6 Tips for creating one-page websites
Single-page websites are becoming popular and fashionable now - there is no doubt about it, although they are not suitable for every subject or organization. However, if done correctly, your…

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Endless page scrolling: helps or hurts?
The generation of two thousandths is known for its habit of browsing information on websites in a matter of seconds, making the decision to stay or go out. Competing projects…

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which is devoted

Creating beautiful RSS icons for your blog
Creating beautiful RSS icons for your blog beautiful RSS icons for the blog. For those who do not yet know RSS - a special format of blog posts that allows…


Tips for creating a beautiful one-page portfolio site
Many global web design trends can be applied to one-page pages, but they also have their own unique features. Such projects are quite specific, so it is useful to read…


Tips for using images on websites and blogs
Of course, the image is the epicenter of any web site, because people are by nature visual. When creating a website or blog, we pay special attention to content, design…
