Social networks for designer career
Today's topic, as you already understood, will be connected with the use of social media by employees of the sphere of design and not only. Moreover, unlike the article on…

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Current trends and trends in logo design
Actual trends in the design of logos 2017 did not become some special revelation. Similar to the main trends of web site design, they are rather a continuation and development…

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The ideal form of authorization - how to do not need
Recently, we posted a number of useful tips on creating effective registration forms on the site, and today we want to talk about the authorization / login unit. Recently, a…

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Rejection of additional decorative

Professions of the future: who is a technical designer?

Often disputes arise between developers and designers – which of them plays the main role. Ask this question to the HR manager, and you will get an answer like, “Both teams are equally important.” This is bullshit.

If you compare the product with a huge cruise ship, the development team will be something of an engine. It would seem that without a motor it is completely useless. But on the other hand, let’s say you want to book a cruise. You do not care about the engine – you look at the photos of the ship, how the cabins are equipped, how high-quality the service is. Of course, for such a huge ship the engine is very important. But if no one wants to book a cruise because the design of the ship sucks, what’s the difference, how good is its engine? Continue reading

Web 2.0 style design: simplicity as art

In the fall of 2005, with the help of the publisher Tim O’Reilly, the term Web 2.0 was firmly included in the lecture of web developers. Like any new term, it still remains the subject of lively discussion, during which the main feature, which is no longer in doubt, is defined. Coming to replace the “old” Web 1.0, Web 2.0 has become a new model of the existence of the Internet community, where an ordinary user becomes a direct participant and creator of the site content. Continue reading

Ways to navigate users on the site
Imagine that you are traveling by car, but because of traffic jams all main roads are blocked, and you need to turn into an unfamiliar part of the city. For…


Designer UI Cribs: Creating Buttons
Buttons are my favorite design element. In this article we will look at the different types of buttons, types of interactions and states. To save time, let's concentrate on the…


What can you learn in Japanese website designs?
Back in 2014, we published an interesting selection of designs of Japanese anime sites. Surely you can guess that the works there are presented quite specific and original. They are…
