7 popular typography trends in web site design
Typography is the style, location and appearance of printed letters / texts on a page. Currently, it has already become an integral element of web design. A lot of interesting…

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5 common mistakes in web design that enrage users
Developing an interactive interface or website is not an easy task. You have to collect everything about your audience, analyze and plan its behavior. New technologies make the research process…

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Get rid of the guesses in the design
Creativity breathes life into successful sites. However, creative ideas and solutions often resemble guessing - a dangerous business, I tell you. So what can designers do to convince the customer,…

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not require much effort to perform

Clients in web design to be avoided
After you have finally become a web designer and started to struggle for success in the real world, you may find yourself in a rather difficult situation. The teachers probably…


Creating beautiful RSS icons for your blog
Creating beautiful RSS icons for your blog beautiful RSS icons for the blog. For those who do not yet know RSS - a special format of blog posts that allows…


Web Design Trends
Designers are fickle people, they like to experiment with things. Therefore, they often try to solve problems of different approaches, which in the future may become mainstream and classic. As…
