Where and how to make a designer online
We are introducing to the guest post from blogger designer Onjee about where you can earn a designer on the Internet, what activities there are and how they differ. At…

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How empty space killed corporate application functionality
Spacious. Minimalistic. Clean. A large amount of empty space has become a classic trick in developing application design for consumers. And I don’t really hate this trend. Effective use of…

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Get rid of the guesses in the design
Creativity breathes life into successful sites. However, creative ideas and solutions often resemble guessing - a dangerous business, I tell you. So what can designers do to convince the customer,…

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Compared to the login forms

Hamburger menu: a bit of history and alternatives
We continue to discuss the topic of navigation in web projects. After reviewing examples of bread crumbs, we decided today to talk about the so-called hamburger menu. There was a…


Improving the registration form on the site (4 useful tips)
On the Internet, the registration procedure occurs to us as often as the authorization form on the sites. You have to do the following: in all kinds of web services…


Using textures in web design
What is the easiest, correct, and sometimes the only possible way to create the illusion of the relief of an element (object) in web design (as well as in 2D…
