How to choose the best illustrations for your site
I somehow had a publication about the best free photobanks and photo stocks in which the question was raised where to look for images for the site. Today I want…

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Headers for website or blog
Authors blog is a kind of virtual representation, so it must look unique. The problem is that most of the free templates (if not all) are available to everyone on…

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Professions of the future: who is a technical designer?
Often disputes arise between developers and designers - which of them plays the main role. Ask this question to the HR manager, and you will get an answer like, “Both…

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Below are the trends of typography

In defense of “Eye Candy”

In the society of designers, it is often possible to hear that true professionals build their work on the strict conformity of design to the brand’s corporate style or simply on the basic principles of design, and aesthetic beauty fades into the background. Living discussions on this issue lack one thing: understanding that aesthetics plays a huge role in cognition, perception and reaction.

Take a look at what “clothes” designers “now wear” with ordinary ready-made structured information; or how the term “eye candy” reduces the significance of graphic design as such. Language, at the present stage, narrows the concept of “design” to a simple “design”, as well as separates “aesthetics” and “usability” (as if they are two completely different areas). Continue reading

How to overcome the creative crisis of designers?

Today we have another guest post from Evgeny Ignashov, who represents the project Candysign: creating websites, icons, networking, programming.
Are these lines read by creative people or those who identify themselves with them? If so, then they surely know the times, both of the crazy creative eruption and of creative stagnation. I, at least, are familiar (we will assume that this suggests that I am a real creator :)) Stagnation in our country, dizigners can happen for a great many reasons, such as: sleep, hunting, stupid customer, muse left or favorite song Winamp is over. Continue reading

Clients in web design to be avoided
After you have finally become a web designer and started to struggle for success in the real world, you may find yourself in a rather difficult situation. The teachers probably…


Web 2.0 style design: simplicity as art
In the fall of 2005, with the help of the publisher Tim O’Reilly, the term Web 2.0 was firmly included in the lecture of web developers. Like any new term,…


Stages of development of a web designer and reaction to criticism in work
As a singer cannot exist without listeners, so a designer cannot exist without a spectator. And this viewer, of course, is entitled to his opinion on the evaluation of the…
