How microstock was born
Microstock (microstock) - the budget segment of the stock photos, offering quality images for a penny, is rapidly gaining momentum. What is not surprising: such a cheap and affordable quality…

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How to choose the best illustrations for your site
I somehow had a publication about the best free photobanks and photo stocks in which the question was raised where to look for images for the site. Today I want…

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Clients in web design to be avoided
After you have finally become a web designer and started to struggle for success in the real world, you may find yourself in a rather difficult situation. The teachers probably…

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which we will

Professions of the future: who is a technical designer?
Often disputes arise between developers and designers - which of them plays the main role. Ask this question to the HR manager, and you will get an answer like, “Both…


Headers for website or blog
Authors blog is a kind of virtual representation, so it must look unique. The problem is that most of the free templates (if not all) are available to everyone on…


Professions of the future: who is a technical designer?
Often disputes arise between developers and designers - which of them plays the main role. Ask this question to the HR manager, and you will get an answer like, “Both…
