Why cancel buttons should be colorless
What exactly does the Cancel button do? It returns the user to the previous screen. For users, Cancel is a means of protecting against unwanted changes in the system. To…

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Effective methods of split-screen design
One of the most notable trends in web design in 2017 can be called the division of the screen into two parts. More and more web projects use a similar…

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DeviantArt introduced a new redesign
A year ago, we wrote that Wix bought DeviantArt - an online community for artists. As planned by Wix, the platform should become a haven of professionals. And it seems…

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people should remember

Licenses on photo stocks: not prohibited not means allowed

In the comments on the blog article about the best free photo stocks you can find several questions regarding copyright for photos and images. An employee of one of the photo banks tried to answer them, but today I would like to publish a slightly more detailed article on this topic and at the same time consider the types of licenses in photo stocks. The material was prepared by Yulia Melnichenko. Continue reading

Endless page scrolling: helps or hurts?
The generation of two thousandths is known for its habit of browsing information on websites in a matter of seconds, making the decision to stay or go out. Competing projects…


Current trends and trends in logo design
Actual trends in the design of logos 2017 did not become some special revelation. Similar to the main trends of web site design, they are rather a continuation and development…


6 main stages of site development
I was recently told in the comments that some posts do not match the format of the blog, which is positioned as a useful resource for web designers. On the…
